AMPO No. 5 (1970)

Behind the Barbed Wire: Black Rebellion at Iwakuni Marine BaseAMPO 70, Part IV: Okinawa in the American EmpireThe Student Rebellion at Nihon University: An Interview with Akehiro AkitaThe Struggle Against Repression: An Inteview with Ken AbeJapan's First HijackingSanrizuka Fight Continues: Forced Su…

AMPO No. 5 (1970) はコメントを受け付けていません

AMPO No. 2 (1969)

・AMPO 70, Part II: The Deal ・Massive Armed Uprisings Mark Sato's Departure for US ・AMPO Interviews Yoshikawa Yuichi

AMPO No. 2 (1969) はコメントを受け付けていません