<お知らせ (UPDATES)>
   ”AMPO” Digital Archives and Yoko Kitazawa Archives have been uploaded to the Archives

   AMPO-AP, a digital archives for people’s movement is now publicly available

   ”AMPO” Select Archives on Okinawa is now available

<現在公開中のデジタルアーカイブ / Available Archives>


Activists who came together through their participation in “Japan Peace for Vietnam Committee (Beheiren)” began publishing the English Journal “AMPO” in 1969. All editions are now made freely available here.

国際評論家として多くの著作を残され、アジア太平洋資料センター(PARC)の創設にも関わられた北沢洋子さんがご自身のウェブサイトにて掲載された論考集「世界の底流」と「Debt Net」を掲載しています

Yoko Kitazawa, a reknowned international critic and activist on foreign affairs was one of the co-founders of Pacific Asia Resource Center (PARC). In the late years of her carrier, she wrote various essays and reports on her website “The World’s Undercurrent”. Parts of her writings are made availabe here.


“Sekaikara (From the World)” was published from Summer 1979 to March 1992, in the hopes of becoming a medium that connects people’s struggles fro liberty across Asia and the “Third World”

International Solidarity Movement Archival Project (ISMAP), a collaborative project by Peoples’ Plan Study Group and Pacific Asia Resource Center (PARC) have been recording oral history of activists from the post-war period. Selected transcripts from the project will be released.

Selected archives from the PARC Freedom School will be released.

アジア太平洋民衆運動アーカイブ(Archives for the Movement of Peoples against Oppression: Asia-Pacific/AMPO-AP)はアジア太平洋資料センター(PARC)創設50周年記念事業の一環で作成されたオンラインアーカイブです。日本を含むアジア太平洋地域における民衆運動にかかわる出版物、当時を振り返るオーラルヒストリーや集会・シンポジウム・街頭行動などの記録を掲載するものです。
Archives for the Movement of Peoples against Oppression: Asia-Pacific (AMPO-AP) is a collective undertaking initiated on the 50 the anniversary of Pacifc Asia Resource Center. This online archive aims to collect and make available publications, oral history, and various other forms of records regarding speaches, presentations and demonstrations/protests from movements in the Asia-Pacitfic.